Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The breakthrough....

You get to that point when you don't know why you decided to start a business/project.. or even relationship for some. 

You're POOR... in finance and in spirit.. everyone gives really unhelpful, mostly well meaning advice and almost certainly someone who thinks they know everything is breathing down your back. 


But you believe in what you started, you see the vision and you press on.... then it happens.... FRUIT!

You feel like you can measure your own success.. somehow... you're satisfied, motivated and empowered.

You still get things wrong, still making it up as you go along.. still getting awful, annoying and well meaning advice.. but you're no longer poor in spirit because HE moved your mountain....

On to the next challenge!

To get to know more about the cafe I've just opened check out it's blog... 

Incredible chilled... Great food... Great people.. Great journey!