Friday, 23 August 2013

5th and Mercer by LaLa and Jason Bolden

You may remember La La as hostess for the finals dance competition in YOU GOT SERVED some years back! According to Instagram, 5th and Mercer, her clothing label have launched a line on Shop Bop, a shopping site similar to ASOS, Boo Hoo and the like....

I'm not a huge fan of the MJ looking pants bottom middle.. especially with those heels but theres definitely something cool and fresh about this wee collection and you should have started to plan you A/W13 wardrobe by now... next week I'll show you some MUSTS and INSPIRATIONS for your potential wardrobe... WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT 5th and MERCER?

She's also starring in new black rom com (oh how I love my black rom coms) BAGGAGE CLAIM... soon to be in US theatres!! (she's on the left under Trey lol)

There's much to be said about which heels go with which bottoms... it's not a free for all... I don't care how experimental you are... some laws are essential.. but we can talk of these another day....

Ta for now!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Monday, 19 August 2013

Blog therapy

For all the time I've been blogging... well planning to blog I've finally realised its therapeutic attributes...!

I like to share and thought that blogging would be a great way to show some of my skills in fashion prediction, baking and business and just being able to share my journey and culture with you.

 Having come to a new mile stone in my life whereby I'll be building a lil cafe for an organisation and setting up a CakeGirl Outlet in which this cafe will be my new baking home, with so much to consider I've returned to blogging... THERAPY!

This is my new hat....

I know... It's lethal.. just like me!

OHHHHHHH man.... running a business, working, studying, living..... difficult, time and money consuming and full of many lessons....!  #tinyvent

It's okay to be wrong about people you know... guys.... ideas.... ventures... girls... but rectify it! Learn the lesson and move on! There's no shame in making a mistake.. there is however,  shame in not learning from it. 

Sometimes I feel like this... made this cake... clients were very happy... huge shark! Sometimes life feels like this.... the story isn't over though #randomramblings